Apprenticeship training

 Having been found suitable on the basis of document Verification RVNL is pleased to engage you as graduate apprentice civil under its project implementation unit at chandigarh on the terms and conditions as laid down under the apprenticeship act rules 

In Himachal Pradesh petrol and diesel price remains same today

In today 7 February 2018 Himachal Pradesh petrol and diesel price remain same to the yesterday price no change in excise duty tax state government and Central Government today the petrol and diesel price remain same last day Himachal Pradesh Government increases the petrol and diesel price 7 paise and 8 paise the price of petrol and diesel increase 5 rupees in within one month in India this is the highest diesel and petrol price in last 4 year and also the highest price in BJP government in Himachal Pradesh also has BJP government. The Increase price in petrol and diesel also increase the daily life things household. This also increase the vegetables and other eating stuffs. Inflammation (expensiveness) increases also the all transportation goes under the losses this increase in the price of diesel within one or 2 months.


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